Economical and ecological cooking has never been so anchored in customs. However, once in the middle of the shelves of our supermarket , the approach is far, very far, from being so obvious... In addition to the often unnecessary and extended packaging , some of our freshly purchased products are only too rarely used and consumed at pinnacle of their possibilities. So, how can we cut costs and prioritize zero waste at the same time? We give you our advice and tips for limiting food waste, without sacrificing pleasure.
Have you thought about batch cooking?
A major trend that is both economical and ecological, Batch cooking involves preparing and organizing all the meals of the week in advance. Basically, we avoid compulsive food purchases and preparations in too large quantities. And if there is any left, it's simple, we freeze for the following week. Nothing is more practical, quick and economical , but above all, nothing ends up in the trash.
In this case, there is no need to do some extra shopping in the middle of the week or to let yourself be lured between the supermarket shelves. But, for everything to go well, don't hesitate to plan your recipes the week before with the whole family in order to avoid conflicts. In any case, there is nothing better than home cooking to consume better, eat healthily and limit your waste consumption.
Another important thing to save time and money: invest in durable and eco-friendly utensils . You already know, at Pyrex, this is our primary commitment! Our borosilicate glass dishes and storage containers are certified healthy, BPA-free and retain neither odors nor stains.
Give ugly vegetables a chance🥕
Often boycotted in our kitchens, ugly vegetables nevertheless have everything going for them. Certainly, their skin is perhaps more marked, their shapes less homogeneous, but in terms of taste, it is nevertheless there. However, our large to very large stores very rarely feature them so as not to visually alter their fresh, colorful and tidy displays. The problem is that this entrenched discrimination contributes to amplifying the phenomenon of food waste .
Fortunately, it is always possible to go in the opposite direction by consuming vegetables that do not quite meet the dictates of mass consumption. To do this, you can shop in organic stores that focus on this difference or order online through companies that have made it their specialty.
The advantage is that they are generally sold at half price in order to gain or re-gain consumer trust. A good anti-waste initiative !
Everything is good in fruits and vegetables, even…
And yes, even some parts you would never, ever think of cooking. However, you can't even imagine what you can do with strawberry stems, peelings, peels or even tops... From the outset, it's certain that you need a little imagination to seeing the potential when it is right before our eyes.
A very simple example with the peelings . They which can be used both in compost for plants can also have a whole new life on the plate in the form of chips!. Keep them and put them in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 ° with a dash of olive oil, a pinch of salt and a turn of the pepper mill. Easy and effective, just that! Ideal as a dinner aperitif to break the codes (and costs) or to enhance a sophisticated dish.
Radish or carrot tops can also be used to make a sublime pesto that is off the beaten track. In the same vein, we recycle strawberry stems to make a syrup or homemade herbal teas. Also keep the shells of your shrimp or langoustines to recover all the juices and use them to make a gourmet sauce. Also think about orange peels, after having squeezed the juice, to make chocolate candied peels. A must for the Christmas period, at a lower cost and without producing waste.
In short, you understand, we don't throw away anymore! Especially since if it's good for us, then it's even more so for the planet .
No quarter for leftovers!
Who has never saved leftovers from the day before's meal, promising to finish them during the week, only to never come back to cook them?! Guilty... However, with them, there is something to be done. Use your forgotten pasta and cheese to make a gratin, the bread for a French toast with the children (or not)... Vegetables which are starting to spoil can also be cooked briefly with a few spices then frozen in one of our storage boxes.
And above all, if you feel that your leftovers are going to pile up in the fridge due to lack of time, once again, don't hesitate to take the lead by freezing the foods that allow it.
Stay vigilant about packaging
We know that ignoring packaging is anything but obvious. But it is possible to override certain products in any case. Although it may not seem like much, it is still a first step towards zero waste, especially since in France, the average production of waste amounts to 458 kg per year and per inhabitant, or around €100 per person per person. an * .
*Source: Public Health France
What we can advise you is to buy in bulk . Opt for suitable shopping bags, and take your storage boxes with you to put your ingredients directly in them. As for very small foods such as rice, pasta, cereals, you can simply store them in beautiful transparent boxes to avoid the proliferation of bacteria or swarms of midges.
When you wash your fruits and vegetables, also make sure to avoid drying them with a paper towel. Choose a cloth whose sole use will be limited to this.