The recipe for our commitment

At Pyrex®, we have been committed for over 100 years to healthy and delicious cuisine that is ever more respectful of the planet. We want to make cooking a moment of spontaneous and uninhibited pleasure for everyone on a daily basis. Sustainability of our products, French manufacturing, ever cleaner technologies to reduce our carbon footprint, eco-designed products to better preserve, store and thus fight daily against food waste... Our fight for a better preserved planet is growing stronger every day for you. sides.

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Together let's act against food waste!

Every year in France, 10 million tonnes of food are thrown away, representing a destruction of 16 billion euros of products that are still consumable*.

However, faced with the big figures, there are small actions to reverse the trend : reuse, freeze, reheat but never throw away, organize your fridge well so you don't forget anything , buy products with short dates that are still good to consume... A daily commitment that is only worthwhile if it is shared by everyone. 

At Pyrex®, we have been contributing since always fighting against food waste with
the conviction that food that is better preserved, cooked and consumed is also food that is less thrown away.

* Source: ADEME (Environment and Energy Management Agency)

Our Pyrex® glass: healthy and ultra-resistant

Our Pyrex® glass in tempered borosilicate glass is a healthy and ultra-resistant material

  • Designed to resist over time: durable and unfailingly solid, Pyrex® glass dishes are passed down from generation to generation for the pleasure of all gourmets. Savings for you and
    for the planet
  • Designed to preserve our health: glass is a material without transfer of odor, colour and taste, which allows no migration of particles and
    which is guaranteed BPA-free

Pyrex® dishes are designed for all cooks

They are practical, safe and easy to use.

Thus thanks to their unique formula, they go directly from the freezer to the oven, without going through the waste box. What if acting against food waste started by adopting the right dishes for your recipes!

Our wide range of storage boxes will allow you to always have the right format available to best preserve your food, not to mention the transparency of our glass which is ideal for organizing your fridge well and avoiding any risk of waste.

A nod to the Pyrex® Zero Plastic box, the latest in the range suitable for cooking, conservation and also table service.

Your daily allies

Designed to resist shock and temperature differences, our dishes and storage boxes are ideal for cooking in the oven in complete safety.

More broadly, our products allow you to prepare, cook, freeze and store and are thus valuable allies against food waste.

So cook however you like, give free rein to your creativity and waste nothing!

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