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person4 people
time 20 minutes


70g sugar

  • 110g butter

  • 3 small eggs

  • 330g flour
  • 2/3 tsp of baker's yeast
  • 40ml water
  • 2 tsp orange flower water
  • ½ tsp salt
To finish:
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 20g butter
  • Granulated sugar

Note: Make sure all ingredients are at room temperature before making this recipe. You will also require a food processor if possible, for kneading to speed up the process otherwise use a bowl and spoon.


      In a food processor bowl add the soft (but not melted) butter, sugar and eggs.
      1. Mix the flour with the yeast and then gradually pour into the processor bowl. When the mixture becomes too dry, gradually incorporate the water (needs to be a 40°C temperature) and the orange blossom water.
      2. One it becomes more like dough like consistency, add the salt. Mix for 15 minutes, or until the dough comes away from the bottom of the bowl. If it comes away too quickly, add one or two teaspoons of water because you need to be able to knead for a fairly long time. If you do it by hand, transfer the dough to a clean work surface and knead. Regularly scrape the surface with a utensil to recover the dough that sticks to it. The dough is ready when it is no longer sticky to the finger and forms a smooth ball.
      3. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rise until it has doubled in volume. This will usually take 2 to 3 hours (to speed up the process, you can place the bowl on top of a not too hot radiator, by placing it on a book - the bowl must not touch the radiator directly; or in a turned off but slightly hot oven).
      4. Take the dough, flatten it on the worktop and divide it into 2 equal parts. Each brioche is made of 4 pieces of dough, 1 large and 3 small: cut 1/5 of the dough from the 2 dough pieces and divide these 2 small pieces into 3 equal parts.
      5. With the 2 large dough pieces, form balls by making circular movements with your two floured hands on a clean work surface.
      6. With 2 small pieces of dough, form 2 small balls. Lengthen the 4 remaining doughballs then roll them up by pressing with three fingers to shape them like bones.
      7. Place the 2 large balls spaced apart on the Pyrex® glass baking tray. Brush them with a little milk. Place the "bones" crosswise on top, then the small ball. Press lightly with the palm of your hand so that the elements weld together. Coat with milk.
      8. Place a cloth on top and let it rise until it has doubled in volume.
      9. Preheat the oven to 180°C and place a rack on the second level from the bottom and place brioche in the oven. After 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 170°C and bake for another 10 minutes.
      10. Remove from the oven and place the brioches on a wire rack. Once warm, brush with soft butter and sprinkle generously with granulated sugar. Pan de los Muertos is eaten warm.

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